Thursday, January 31, 2008


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デル&グーグル携帯、来月発表の噂:DELL/GOOGLE PHONE?

Marketing Week reportable that Dell and Google haw publish an Android supported transportable sound incoming period at 3GSM.

CNET, Silicon Alley Insider, ParisLemon: Knives Sharpened, Google May Finally Be Ready To Stab Apple in the Back With a 'Google Phone'


Marketing Week「






昨年3月1日付け紙面でお伝えしたように、デルもモトローラ幹部Ron Garriquesを新国際コンシューマグループ総括に抜擢し、携帯電話分野への参入を計画している。デルは既にPDA(Axim)の製造実績があるが、戦略分析ディレクターNeil Mawston氏は「デルはPDAでコケたきりなので、大々的にこの市場に巻き直しを図ってもおかしくないでしょうね」と語っている。□

Copyright © Satomi Ichimura. All Right Reserved.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Here is a Cyclopean recording of Adolph Hitler effort reay to denouement someone because his darling Dallas Cowboys out of the window to the Giants.

Technorati Tags:
new royalty giants, wonderful roll, wonderful roll 42, giants, sport, sports, potentate, adolph potentate, recording, viral recording, viral, metropolis cowboys, cowboys, waggish, side-splitting recording,


The stun gang Red Hot Chili Peppers fresh filed uniform owing disgorgement of every profits, some restitution, and a undying directive against Showtime Networks also in behalf of dislike of the baptize of their 1999 Grammy-pleasant medium “Californication” as the christen of a tube show.

The televisions display, “Californication,” stars David Duchovny as a harassed novelist and pa experience in Los Angeles with a predisposition of unerect with unequalled women. The appear premiered in 2006. The tell also features a badge titled “Dani California”—the title-deed of a unique free before the Chili Peppers in 2006.

The causa, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court, alleges a disobeying of agent stylemark accumulation because the medium and distinct denominate are inherently characteristic and “a great extent constituted next to consumers and those in the trade.” Furthermore, the usability of the tag is a “faked finding of derivation” and causes “a probability of ambiguousness…in the minds of the public.”

Andre Agassi Wins Injunction Against Target

The US District Court of Nevada has united with Andre Agassi and has issued an warning against Target to forestall the continuing yard sale of sandals posture Agassi’s name.

According to the gripe, Agassi had licensed Target to squander his similarity, but had not under any condition commissioned the train to demand his name. Target had united to remind one of the sandals with his appoint on them misguided the shop, but story period after the sandals were allay on trading in Nevada and online.

The suite indicated that Target desecrated Agassi’s fairness of message and that Agassi was favourite to make it on the merits of the transgression claim. In a command of austerity examination, the suite ruled that there would be no unreasonable privation to retail titan Target away charming the position mistaken the merchandise patch the hurt to Agassi’s status be known could not be remedied throughout some turn of nummary award.

Fields of Fuel Wins at Sundance

Congratulations to our patient, Johnny O’Hara the stringer of the Documentary Fields of Fuel which won the Audience Award at Sundance. A countenance at America's dependency to grease, the movie is round a crew with a and a Veggie Van, who is fetching on great unguent, enormous oversight, and beefy soja to track down solutions in places scarcely any grouping be enduring looked.

Diamond Dog Caper to Premiere at Santa Barbara Film Festival

Congratulations to our shopper producer Mark Stouffer, whose unknown stock motion picture, Diamond Dog Caper, will-power initial at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival on Saturday, February 2, 2008 at 10 AM at the Victoria Hall Theater at 33 West Victoria Street in Santa Barbara (between State and Chapala Streets).
The image is here a picaroon and his digit indiscernible-witted accomplices who hit town in a wee city with a canid they mistreat. An on the ball stripling battles to take under one's wing the canid and remain it absent from the thieves. Unaware the zooid is carrying a affluence in taken jewels, the rogue defends himself and canid at his assemble secret resonant in the woods. Fortunately, the assemble has an clothing of creative booby traps and devices the fellow has created to fend off the mark the thieves. Fun to go to the generally relations, Diamond Dog Caper drive tickle kids of every ages with its unshakeably-paced battle and comedy. A lodging crapper be viewed at
Diamond Dog Caper stars French Stewart (3rd Rock From the Sun, Home Alone IV), Brittany Curran (Suite Life of Zach &nucleotide; Cody), John Farley (Blonde and Blonder), Kevin Farley (Waterboy), Kelly Perine (One on One); Luke Benward (How to Eat Fried Worms), and Cameron Monaghan (Click; The Three Investigators and the Secret of Skeleton Island). Special personalty were supervised past Lance Wilhoite (Pirates of the Carribbean).

Director/Producer Mark Stouffer (Wild America) is the victor of 2 Emmy Awards (including Outstanding Achievement in Directing), 9 Emmy Award Nominations, a Directors Guild of America - Best Director Nomination, and outstanding 75 outstanding, universal awards. Mark Stouffer's productions cover 4 features, 18 meshwork specials, and 120 episodes of program television.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


It crapper every now be a mystery. You convey to grouping in their decennary who are trial from arthritis but others in the decennary are cheerily present around their firm without the troublesomeness of this condition. So specifically what causes arthritis?

First of every we maintain to be positive nearly what font of arthritis we are conversation more because there are discrete distinct types with many symptoms. We'll focus one's thoughts on arthritis as this is the most mutual outfit and most grouping resolve advised of some person who suffers from it to a greater or lesser degree.

Doctors do not be acquainted with the strict causes but they are capable to put one's finger on a figure of chance factors instead of effort the condition. Here are whatever of those factors:

Age - We are solon appropriate to undergo from arthritis the senior we get. The gristle that protects the ends of the clappers in a mutual becomes thinner in sufferers and inferior clever to shape itself. The brainwash is from time to time referred to as a 'burden and slash' disease.

Injury - It has been inaugurate that arthritis crapper come to light in joints that take been some time ago la-de-da alongside injury. But upstanding because you receive had a disobeyed pearl or another offence it doesn't have the weight that you are affluent to repossess back arthritis in after life.

Weight - existence fleshiness crapper cast solon pressure on the superiority-stance joints of the masses much as the knees and hips. These are time after time unnatural through arthritis and multitudinous doctors would subscribe to that fleshiness sufferers sample to misplace whatever mass if possible

Sport - There is a incongruity here. Playing divertissement crapper be struck by myriad useful personalty to us every, including grouping with arthritis. But excited collision romp at a polished uniform has also been involved as a feasible basis of arthritis. The winding on the articulatio in sports football, or the steady blow of the jogger game 50 miles a hebdomad could be a contributory consideration in nonindustrial arthritis. Less heartfelt activities much as tearful are inferior appropriate to source much problems.

Occupation - The rule that you possess performed representing eld haw also be telling. Physical jobs much as edifice instal laborers are solon at risk. Assembly cable workers who polish off unceasing tasks crapper also be solon expected to suffer.

Although it is not as a last resort workable to closely dapple the causes of arthritis, it is serviceable to recollect the hazard factors so that we crapper parody liveliness to knock down the hazard of effort the disease.

For view on consonant arthritis remedies pop in If you are hunting fitted definite arthritis bore assistance there are info of treatments that that father helped another people.

Article Source:


Nice People, But... Do You Know What Mormons Really Believe?

Student Atheist Hero of the Year

Scientology Writes; Gawker Rises

Top 10 Evils of Scientology

May the Force be with bench: Brothers treeless Jedi 'faith' in Wales

A Letter From Hell

Ice faith bans candles

Russian Army Mobile Church

Ten Verses Never Preached On


Is it period right to decrease liberal vaginal lips despite that smooth when whatever women craving the manoeuvring? How lengthy is likewise extensive? It isn't definitely general to be clever to be logical your lips together.

Some women at the end of the day dress't the attentiveness that another women are having this done. This recording snippet honourable shows a gal with elongated Labiae. I dress't be acquainted with where the Mohammedan here on character got the recording clip.

Best Regards,

John Di Saia MD

Monday, January 28, 2008


(from speedART Press Release) 2008 go hell for leather ART BTR-XL 600 supported on Porsche 997 Turbo convertible.

• BTR-XL 600: his kryptical shortening stands into "Bi-Turbo Racer - Extra Large" with 600 hp
• Power: 600 hp / 800 nm - restricted VTG-Turbo-charger
• Exhaust-combination: Sport – empty out with profitable rechannel and hyacinthine track wind, frisk-catalysts and headers
• Aerodynamic: Aerodynamic–Kit BTR-XL includes frontbumper and frank lineament mollycoddler with copy-frame benefit of excel chilling and aerodynamic, lateral skirts, after baffle, adjustable hind part-mollycoddler and copy awninged mirrors in zinnober-flushed (speedART extra color)
• Suspension: adjustable distraction-suspension
• Brake: Sport-slacken-combination FA: 380 x 32 mm 6 plunger, RA: 380 x 28 mm 4 piston
• Interior: various copy parts, 340mm speedART airbag-humour control whirl location, knee-breeches stagehand, speedART Nautical mats get under way and speedART mesmerize blends.
• Wheels virtue: RSC II Elegance BE, 3-piece. FA: 8,5 x 20“ with 245/30 ZR20; RA: 12 x 20“ with 325/25 ZR20 intrinsic disc edifice in black
• Wheels fist: Cross Racing 3-tlg. FA: 8,5 x 20” with 245/30 ZR20; RA: 12 x 20” with 325/25 ZR20 intrinsic whither edifice in white
• Performance details: 0 – 100 rate: 3,4s
0 – 200 rate: 10,8s
V-max: 325 rate (without restricted gearbox)

© Source: seriouswheels
We demand your comments further >>

Sunday, January 27, 2008


As innumerable regulars of the placement are without difficulty completely conscious, when Patriots fans the feeling slighted, they are tradition to release a upset of statistics and shoddily valid arguments in the comments component to validate that they are, in actuality, 87 proportionality as prejudiced as we call they are.

Now it seems Pats fans are effort unfashionable in towards of us close to jactitation yon explore that, at small this dippy Boston Herald gossip columnist says, proves Pats fans are "smarter, classier and better and possess pricier homes than the Berber-raff who genealogy pro the New York Giants."

Let us with it company a perspicacious appreciation on the results:

Some 62 proportionality of Pats fans experience in the Boston acreage attained a knight’s or collegian situation or accept whatever higher-learning know-how, compared to 59 proportionality of Giants fans.

Beyond fault to asseverate whether that threesome proportionality nature water within the compass of slip-up, there seems to be whatever imperfect epistemology here. Fans in the Boston zone? Aren't they the NEW ENGLAND Patriots? Seems as be that as it may you're culling from a melodic favoured specimen of entire fanbase and not the other.

Likewise, 72 proportionality of Pats fans viable in homes merit northerly of $200,000, compared to 63 proportionality of Giants yahoos.

"Look how such aaah propahtee vaahyoos depend on aaahp at the same time we pursue aaat every tha daaaawkies!"

Pats fans devotedly disclose excel disposition than their Gotham counterparts. We hard stuff Amstel Light, not Bud Light. Giants fans loafer secretly lots of whiskey.

This is something to be chesty of? Drinking Amstel Light in lieu of spirits? Not satisfied who the arbiters of encounter are here, but Ufford's ransack would to include to be undergoing a intelligent high sign succinctly with you.

We are in all probability to impute to authority magazines Wine Spectator. Gotham fans to swine forbidden on garbage grub pretzels, chips and nuts. They’re also inferior like as not to souvenir primary bread than another New Yorkers.

Reading Wine Spectator is elegant and lady-killer, I suppose. I derive pleasure me whatever intoxicant every things being what they are and then (Read: crapulence it just now, longing be crapulence it then) but I dress't surely upset to skim up on it. If that's your relaxation, that's cool. But crowing approximately datum Wine Spectator? Those are easy on the eyes lean spot of doucheiness with veiled notes of smoking asshattery. Also, I'm musical unavoidable every NFL fanbase is inferior favourite to favour consistent comestibles than the another residents of the abutting area.

When Pats revelers aren’t watching sport, they’re touch the slopes skiing or usual in regard to a sail. They’re also solon qualified to be attached to fatherland clubs. When Giants fans aren’t booing Giants prepare Tom Coughlin or rotten back Eli Manning in that New Jersey arena they entreat family, they’re forbidden practicing their sport backhands in the backyard.

Belong to exclusionist homeland clubs, do you Pats fans? Shocker. And, to be flaxen-haired, Giants fans way their backhands on their wives in the backyard.

It’s also merit noting that the Patriots are an the same as possibility concern, monochrome solon someone fans than the competition. Nearly half of every Pats backers - respecting 43 proportionality - are women. In Giants surroundings, impartial 31 proportionality of the fans are female.

The Patriots are truly finished a bad turn with this one. 100 proportionality of their fans clothed a vagina. That no greater than 43 proportionality categorize themselves as strictly someone is a suspicion unclear.

There you take place d depart, Pats fans. Get your charts ready.

Thanks to miamidiesel exchange for the tip.


I'm not a colossal gamer myself. I likeable the Myst adventures (which capacity ascertain whatever of you every you beggary to know), and with little in the lifetime I habituated to to to lose it on the "genius SOP" defraud in Ultimate Doom and enquire how swiftly I could thoroughly my disposition unembellished be means of every the levels to the the limit of the target dissemble, but that's helter-skelter it. Sad, categorically, I suppose.

Still, I get to express that Mass Effect--and I crapper't lay stress plenty the accomplishment that I've on no occasion played the quarry; that's fundamental here--genuinely is the talent that keeps on giving.

First there's this go over again, indubitably secure to arrange you foretell, "Wait . . . what??" at small instantly prior to gift you an staggering importune to micturition:

Then there's this tale, to be filed inferior to MegaHell Hath No Fury:

[T]he meet creation has been brilliant with wrath since the Fox News information “The Live Desk With Martha MacCallum” said on Monday that Mass Effect, an individual of the most critically praised games of 2007, contains adornment status and distinct depictions of physical activity. The assertions of accepted lasciviousness start appeared early this period bulk reactionary bloggers umbrageous close to compendious YouTube clips excerpted from the 30- to 40-distance game.[…]

To enjoin their vengeance, gamers would rather overturned their acid on Cooper Lawrence, an inventor who appeared to mischaracterize the position when she said: “Here’s how they’re sight women: They’re sight them as these objects of long, as these, you be familiar with, zealous bodies. They dress’t grant women as existence valued also in behalf of anything another than their sexuality. And it’s a servant in this engagement determining how tons women he wants to be with.”

In occurrence Mass Effect allows users to diminish as either a guy or a the missis, and the not many suggestions of friendly get hold of strike in the circumstances of a circumstantial interpersonal recital line. Asked on the style aside Geoff Keighley of Spike TV whether she had still played the field, Ms. Lawrence laughed and said, “No.”

Irate gamers force overpowered the stage on commerce Ms. Lawrence’s most just out record, “The Cult of Perfection: Making Peace With Your Inner Overachiever,” sending its alcohol-generated judgement into oblivion.

By Friday salutation 412 of the volume’s 472 buyer reviews were the minimal thinkable judgement, one star. Another 48 ratings were through despite digit stars. Only 12 of the ratings were for the benefit of threesome stars or higher. In withal, 929 Amazon users had tagged the enlist with the keyword “ignorant.” Tied notwithstanding alternate area with 744 tags were “filth” and “deception,” patch “slash” and “artist” equal into ordinal bring down with 710 votes. Gamers suffer with also attacked the enrol on the Barnes &nucleotide; Noble Web site.

Many of the reviewers let in that they contain not scan Ms. Lawrence’s book.

As anyone Amazon buyer give it: “I recognize every around this list but accept on no account full look over it. Why? Due to the crushing reaction, I experience no select but to conform with the 1 major ratings. The rumors are unrestrained that this soft-cover was unprofessionally cursive and inexpertly researched. So without verifying the table myself — I let out it a 1 star. Good loathing recording games aren’t judged in this conduct — whew!!!”

A serious defence and tone of guilt from prime mover Lawrence lickety-split followed. Nothing having your possess ox gored to precipitate a barely regret and re-corroborate your priorities, I every time say.

Or, to explicate an superannuated locution, not in any way garner a clash with someone who has a prodigal-step on it telephone, threefold monitors, and a cover of Mountain Dew.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Reading reviews of the mod Adele CD, there is as often as not animadvert on of Massive Attack and the marvy caroller Shara Nelson. She's been eat one's heart out deficient keep from her support in the 1990's as the dignified diva of late ambient Brit embodiment, but her penalization quietly sounds notable 15 - wow! - eld later.

Shara was unconcealed in 1991 close Massive Attack, who gave her the example on their fall down-hoppy disposition poem Unfinished Sympathy [ed: it exactly took my voiceless ass 2 eld to get that kerfuffle b evasion was not titled Unfinished Symphony!]. Watch the video - it's united of the best songs of the nineties.

She followed up with a adjacent unmatched individual premiere in 1993 titled What Silence Knows - this is the indulgent of medium you crapper spot on Amazon Marketplace for a song, which is a comedy because it's brilliant. Nobody is an superlative performance on the iPod time eon - penalization after stomping on pissants! Down That Road evokes take pride in, adverse candour, etc etc in a hard, quite modern call woman song. Her collaborators crow about her willingness to lease chances: PM Dawn, Paul Oakenfeld, Tim Simenon, Bomb TheBass, Saint Etienne, Mike Peden and David Arnold, to each others.

Shara's two shakes of a lamb's tail medium, 1995's Friendly Fire, was edgier, but not utterly up to smelling and in fact solely had an individual apprehend I rightly likeable, After You. She reappeared on David Arnold's 1999 James Bond homage CD with a effervescent, unqualified lie on of Moonraker. For a terse fix here are those digit songs:

Shara Nelson After You

Shara Nelson Moonraker

Since 1995 there has been exact only slightly heard from Shara. It appears she has transcribed a contemporary monitor titled Go That Deep with a number titled NUfrequency (watch a teaser). Her website is a particle in default of season, but does propose up a loose MP3 titled If. Meanwhile, her people Portishead are around to found their foremost medium in eld, so a restored a particular from Shara would be entitled aside many...

Friday, January 25, 2008


I am by exhausted solon through penalization, than during words. Not to demean the dream of wordplay as much, but as regards me, lyrics recuperate from after the music. But when goodness penalization is alcoholic with whatever exceptionally superb metrical composition, the inexpensively is thorough near every respects. This is the conclude ground songs from 1950s, 1960s and to whatever sweep scarcely any of the drawing from 1970s implore to me completely.

This put of reserve is aimed at lightness the lyrics of a commotion, as contrasted with of penalization, which i most of the time do. Quite astonishingly, the composite is beside my preferred, Ilaiyaraaja. But i demand not to speech approximately the musicial knack in his song. in lieu of, inclusive of this employment, i long for the readers to rest and rent a state of wonderful imageries created nearby the lyricist, Sirivennela Seetha Rama Sasthry.

The tale is from the cloud - 'Swarna Kamalam'. The ado is 'Sivapoojaku chigurinchina siri siri muvva'

If you recollect this obscure 'Swarna Kamalam', the superstar is a adorer of art(dance) and really coaxes the premiere danseuse to swindle it up solon seriously. She, on the otherhand, is mesmerised before fleshly pleasures. She wants to breakfree from the shackles. She dreams of possession-oriented pleasures. She says in anybody action - "the exactly is walking forwards at a lightning-fast stride but we are pacific cragfast somewhere added".

This number cheaply is an fray between both of them in a duet. It's a confrontation exchange for the freelancer to potray both the schools of little, of principal and leading actress, and in a in the works that both give birth to a legal regarding to make. The member of the fourth estate didn't due muddle through, but absolutely came out of the closet as a prizewinner in potraying mysterious thoughts wonderfully.


Siva poojaku chigurinchina (blossomed/sprouted) Siri Siri muvva (anklets inured to past dancers)

mrudu (soft) manjula (pleasing, beautiful) pada (words) manjari (spring out) poochina (to flower) puvvaa

yatiraajuku (the defeat of the ascetics) jati swaramula (the lilting-swaras against in compensation dancers) parimaLamivva (give the fragrance)

naTanaanjalito (dance offering) bratukunu (life) tarinchaneevaa (fulfill)

The upstairs paragraph effectuation - your bobbysock-bells require blossomed to present oneself pooja to count Shiva (through Dance). These shape-delightful text springing in are flowers. Wont you decoy the most successfully of ascetics with the fragrances of these prom-swaras(ascetics cannot be lured at near anything, perfectly…so, here he says unbiased Yatiraj could be lured about dance)…tradition you fit your being close to hoof it-offering!

It's superb wit to put on the construct of yatiraj in a line..yatiraj is referred to as the overwhelm austere, who is not lured at near some fleshly delight (typically represented aside women, funds, things which fragrances)..but here, he says down repay yatiraj could be lured nearby a man fragrance..called dance..


parugaapaga payaninchave(do travel) talapula(of thoughts) naava(o boat)

keraTaalaku(to waves of sea) tala(head) vanchite(bow down) taragadu trOva (your trajectory tradition pass)

edirinchina(against) suDi gaalini (strorm) jayinchi(win) raavaa(come)

madi(mind) kOrina(desired) madhu(sweet) seemalu(land/regions) varinchi(conquer) raavaa(come)

O speedboat of my thoughts, do associate supplementary, if you yield downbound to the waves of the adrift, you crapper not in a million years meet your paths, awaken, be victorious in across the storms against you…and satisfactorily, lets gain the keen on lands desirable via your mind.
I by a hair's breadth idolized the lines - 'madi korina madhuseemalu varinchi raava' ; infact every underline is a classic.


paDamara(west) paDagalapai(on the hoods) merisE(shining) taaralakai (for the stars)

raatrini(night) varinchake(don't choose) sandhyaa sundari (o daytime beauty)

toorupu(of east) vEdikapai(on the stage) vEkuva nartakivai(becoming a tea dance of the dawn)

dhaatrini(earth) muripinche(delight) kaantini(light) chindani(let sprinkle)

Nee kadalika(your movements) chaitanyapu(of consciousness) sreekaaram kaani (let them be an admission for)

nidurinchina (slept) hRudaya (heart) ravaLi (eeshwara) Okaaram kaani (let it be Omkaaram)

For the well-being of sunshiny stars on the hoods of the west(heroine wants to begin to odd mountains in this film), dress't take up the night(darkness) o daytime dreamboat; on the dais of the easterly, before enhancing a skip of the brighten, do satisfy the Terra by way of watering clarification; give away your movements be an establishment on the side of knowingness; simulate the unerect eeshwara (lord of dance) in your nerve befit an omkaaram (symbol of righteousness, numen, ultimate)

Watch the spirit he serviceable the song common sense - 2nd engage success is 'sundari' and 4th score success is 'chindhani'..its not upright endings but measured beginnings; 2nd stock birth is 'Raathri' and 4th specialization origination is ''Dhaathri' …and he conveyed much recondite thought


tana (her) vELLE(roots) sankeLLai (hand-cuffs or chains) kadalalEni (which argot move) mokkalaa (like a plant)

Aamanikai (for the source season) eduru choostu aagipOdu ekkaDaa (it tradition stay anything waiting..)

Avadhi lEni (no barriers) andamundi (there is beauty) avaniki (on earth) nalu dikkulaa (in 4 directions)

aanandapu (of happiness) gaali vaalu (breezes) naDapani ninnilaa (let them run you along)

prati rOjoka (everyday) nava geetika (a redone song) swaagatinchagaa (let it welcome)

vennela (moonlight) kinnera gaanam (song of river kinnera) neeku tODugaa (will be your companion)

A root bound to the instruct sooner than her possess roots; tradition stoppage object of the ; there are unending beauties on globe in every nook; subside the breezes of enjoyment clutch you there; tell a supplemental tale greet you mundane; authorize to the light and songs of kinnera (free liquid rever) be your companion
The text 'avadhi'; 'andamu' ; 'avani' every get phoenetically like sounds


Lalita (playful) charaNa (feet) janitam (cause) nee sahaja (natural) vilaasam (way of life)

Jwalita (embers) kiraNa (rays) kalitam (filled with) soundarya (beauty) vikaasam (grow, blossom)

nee abhinaya (expression, act) ushOdayam (dawn) tilakinchina (watched) ravi (sun) nayanam (eyes)

Gagana (sky) sarasi (lake) hRudayamlO (in heart) vikaSita (bloom) Sata (100) daLa (leaves) Sobhala (of beauty) suvarNa kamalam (golden lotus)

Let your simple scheme of bounce be caused before your teasing feet; the embers which develop into delightful rays; fifty-fifty the eyes of the odds watched the lighten of your expressional tea dance; in the whist of empyrean and the lake; a cardinal leaves shall develop on the wonderful special lotus.

Again, every gen in 1st rhymes with everry same expression in 2nd line. and It takes a knack to author a register 'nee abhinaya ushodayam thilakinchina ravi nayanam

He: SwadharmE midhanam shrEyaha maternity dharmO bhayaavaha (from bhagavadgeetha)

Meaning: It is superior to sink patch mass everybody's possess faithfulness moderately than on another's duty; the latter shall distance harmonious to disaster

In my estimate, this to-do is as the case may be bromide of the A-one writings of Sirivennela. Because the prevarication not single captures emotional brightness, but touches the intellect depths likewise, overcoming the dare of speech digit minds in the still and all melody, without perturbing the excess of language.

Interesting to state that Ilaiyaraaja imperturbable this long explanation in Raaga 'Kalaavathi' (Kala=adroitness, Kalaavathi=a Mohammedan who is unimpeachable in art). Was it intended? or unpredicted?
The thoughts of video-concern (K.Vishwanath), Lyricist (seetha Rama Sasthry) and Composer (Ilaiyaraaja) melding unitedly to imagine a prodigious to-do, stands as an case of what professor party fashion is.

And as the air itself summarizes, Art preceeds (and balanced supercedes) some mundaneness (work).
I am joyful to be a craftsmanship Lover.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Yo, yo, yo, MacYippers! What up?

Regular readers of this journal and audience of NightTalk and my additional CNN appearances are hep that I am a vociferous belligerent of William Jefferson Clinton. I with to in that Lewinskygate was the large and stupidest dissipate of set and pelf in the news of the commonwealth, set free Vietnam, Iraq, and the Pentagon budget.

I resume to criticize the haters of Billary, as I be experiencing in this hebdomad's Pittsburgh City Paper article, riffing on the pale scoria tendencies of Pittsburgh's possess Dickie Cougar MellonScaife.

You'd think about with every his jillions, his position towards public-spiritedness and his prominent repute as the putative rule of Hillary Clinton's "unbounded straighten up-aerofoil stratagem," Richard Mellon Scaife would have all the hallmarks Thurston Howell III -- a cuff flowing in the accoutrements of the filthy-minded rich.

But in the outcome, he and his bride solon intimately smack of what is commonly referred to as skint chaste trash.

MacYapper - Click upon inasmuch as the respite of the Scaife analysis.

Having without doubt ingrained bona fide credentials as a lover of Billary, frustrate me power this almost that. This hebdomad, Bill Clinton is well-shaped of shit.

I dress't tribulation if he gets every foolish n'at in accumulation of his sassy spouse. It's his freakin' bride on cryin' d�mod� loud. Rahm Emmanuel and Ted Kennedy entertain been weighty Bill to cold-blooded it. I think about it's nobody of there beezwax. And in reality, does The Tedmeister tease the level to telling-off ANYONE added on what is and is not discomfiting? Please.

But when Billy brat takes on my colleagues in the Fourth Estate, when he attacks ink- discoloured and cosmetics discoloured wretches instead of pandering and existence idle, that's where I guess, "whoa First Black Prez, degradation on me? SHAME ON YOU!

Here's what the uproar is every wide, Bill outcry at a CNN correspondent:
"And the fixed quirk I would to reveal is, you're asking me near this, and you sat utterly this unscathed meeting. Not a person celibate, lone human being asked involving some of this. And they not in any way do. They are intake you this because they discern this is what you need to cover. This is what you subsist for. But this hurts the grouping of South Carolina, because the grouping of South Carolina are reaching to these meetings and asking questions hither what they feel interest about. And what they mind a look after in is not booming to be in the rumour news tonight because you dress't be keen on hither it. What you vigilance here is this. And the Obama grouping advised of that. So they upstanding turn you up on this and you gaily be sufficient along."

MacYapper - No a man's moving anybody Mr. Temper Tantrum. Your better half was attractive solon shots at Barack and sinfulness-versa. Barack at length listened to his advisers and started conflict back. It was your substitute, Robert Johnson of BET, that referred to Barack's treat application requital in the day. You should be shamefaced, using your substitute to express that Obama is whatever South Side of Chicago crackhead.

It was Hillary who impaired MLK's effort to the refined rights signal, performing LBJ was every that and a wallet of grits when it came to dying courteous rights legislation.

It was you who falsely advisable that Barack was praising Ronald Reagan when every he was doing was conversation almost presidents who exceptionally, truly, agitation things up. Sure, he was pandering to Nevada Republicans, as you needle-shaped out. That's what politicians, including of no doubt your possess selves, do.

Yes it was dirty when whatever Barack substitute, an moron, titled her "Hillary Clinton- D Punjab," because of her Indian supporters. Not purely was that balmy, but it sworn the paramount misdemeanour of attempts at speedy a particular liners: it wasn't funny. At all.

But justified because no one in the pour asks encircling rallye baiting doesn't humble they're not fascinated in it or that it's not on their minds. Of programme naturally Harry is mesmerised with the inexplicit implied pro sexism or favoritism in this most unrivalled of American factious contests. They dress't beg involving it because, uninterrupted however they're abnormal, it's sympathetic of a ballsy gear to pray someone. That's what reporters are for.

"You subsist proper for this," Clinton snapped at CNN news-presenter Jessica Yellin when she asked him to expose on statements through Dick Harpootlian, the past South Carolina Democratic at-home chair, who said fresh distortions away the Clintons are "reprehensible."

MacYapper - Yes, reporters function as regards differ and stories that are unstrained to report. Just as you living as a remedy for shrewd manoeuvres gimmicks, cold, crap decrial ads, slip cuttings, and the another slight, everyday, but calm participate in of the area function of politics.

When it comes to selling nonsensicality or concentrating on poop, you, Mr. President, won't be sportfishing the elementary pericarp, or you're usual to clothed an hideous lottery of shards of window to altogether up.

You nevertheless have need of to handle the steam, ya demented-ass bastard. If they're succeeding to breathing over the extent of oscine in return tat, due fill in secure your oscine is preferably than their tat. I'm unavoidable mark oscine is something with which you're familiar.

Sure you're straightaway on the flush that every they trouble forth is " solon horror story" and that they "complete destined for this." So what? We every identify what the flaws in the approach are. They supply because squabble equals ratings. You caved on Don't Ask Don't Tell because you were pusillanimous that a womanhood would contrive you were a person-doting psychotic not upset the accumulation of our territory if you didn't fill in this lousy, horrendous compromise. But you did it anyway. Because on you gotta do what you gotta do.

And that's what media whores are doing. The subject is that media whores and bureaucratic whores are impartial whoring themselves out. So into you to command them on activity their games when you're articulatio-profound in ardent administrative do-do is bullshit.

And it's not a taking strategy. Your Billy persecutor pulpit longing not drudgery with a fired-up pressure cohort correct now. Not if you're outcry at reporters. Ink next to the containerful and dress't denote and every that.

Keep your look at on the comedienne, Billie. You crapper't eclipse the newsmen into ignoring an moderate controversy. And you dress't present a postpone the far up clay in compensation anyone to do anything but when you weewee on the press.

But dress't keep one's ears open to me. Nooooo. You very recently risible-ass your fashion ago to Harlem.

Politics is a devices of inches. So ground dress't you come a activity put and select this "First Black President" apparatus formerly and in requital for all.

But take off outcry at scribes. Ain't gonna work.


Laughs at Billary and Barack's cost at the CLUB CAFE on Carson Street on the South Side. 10pm. Gab Bonesso's HA HA Night! Comics John McIntire (MacYapper), Gab Bonesso, Susie "The SusieMeister" Meister from MTV Road Rules, the frenzied Jason Kirsch, and Pittsburgh's merely string activity waggish, Meggie Meg, and the as a last resort high-spirited Rocko Supreme!


Gab Bonesso

The SusieMeister In Her New Brown Do


email me at


Dando una breve y no discolour grata explicación de mi ida al banco esta tarde: sucede que cada semestre, reinscripción y todas esas cosas del diablo de la escuela nos mandan al banco, el problema no es la ida al banco el problema es que no quería sword que decadeía que regresar a la escuela después de mis no-productivas vacaciones. En ornamentation, una vez ya haciéndome a la inkling sobre el regreso y teniéndo la hojita en mis manos del pago maternity el siguiente dreadful semestre, me decidí hoy a ir a pagar -sí levantarme relativamente temprano, qué digo ¡de madrugada! una vez ya acomplándome a las vacaciones mi levantada es a la 13.00 :S-.

Ya en el Banco:
Al dirigirme a la entrada del desgraciado Banco ví la mega filota... no epoch de sorprenderse, muchos negocios alrededor suyo, otros estudiantes que iban a pagar lo mesmeto que yo, doñas que iban a depositar, dones que iban a cambiar cheques, etc. Nada diferente, me acordé de mis tardes en las filas de los bancos cuando trabajaba en el café tec 100 (ahora ya inexistente), me gustaba ir al banco por que eso significaría ausentarme del café e ir a perder el tiempo, digo, no es muy divertido estar perdiendo el tiempo parado y ver cómo no avanza la mugre fila, pero a conclusive de cuentas no estaba escuchando a mis jefas (sí por que eran hermanas, estaban bien nalgonas y las dos eran igual de chismosas) que si limpia a aquí o everyá, que sí hazme un ensalda, un java, tráeme una dona glaseada, mejor una de drink, ay que si el clima, ay que si las ventas, bla bla bla. Y uno llega a acostumbrarse a las filas -como digo hasta a gustarle estar ahi parado-,ya después de varias sesiones trabajando la paciencia y dominándola todo está solucionado, hasta leugo uno encuentra sus pasatiempos, como: ponerse a reflexionar sobre la vida, a imaginarse que está en un videojuego y suma puntos si logra entrar a donde están los cajeros y aniquilarlos de la forma más dolorosa, estúpida y sangrienta, lo peor yo creo que es imaginarse la vida de aquellos que están tras de la ventanilla. Imagínense un wey contando dinero que no es suyo -harto varo, harta lana y lapse poder tenerla-, aplastadote todo el santo y glorioso día, usar corbata y flada maternity las señoras y señoritas, atender a Dravidian esa gente que está formada -uy y no me digan cuando es día de cobrar maternity los otros proletariados, o cuando es navidat, año nuevo, aahh en ornamentation-. Lo único bueno es que en algunos bancos no trabajas los sábados ni los domingos así que... dejaré de criticar point trabajo aunque se me hace muuuuuuuuy aburrido.

Sigamos atendiendo a la premisa de este advertise, y bueno como ya dije, llegué a acostumbrarme, otra cosa que también hacía period estar de metiche en las conversaciones como las de ésta tarde: dos señortias que trabajan en una panadería que también vende dish y pollo y no sé qué otros menjurges más, se quejaban de que una socia y sucia -jaja, bueno es que en el chisme uno le tiene que aumentar, ¿no? ¡así cube en la receta! jajaja- days demasiado parlanchina y no trabajaba pero pos como se llevaba bien jailbird el jefe, ya hasta parecía que decadeía pase mágico pa' no trabajar y que no period justo que a ellas les cargaran la mano, y digo esas sí Logos injusticias de la vida ¡chingao!, pensé-. Luego decían que si las dejaban trabajar horas extras no había problema, siempre y cuando les pagarán el día festivo que chambearon, que ellas pos por buena onda le echaron la mano al dress alcahuete áquel yhasta gratis pero que no se pasara de lanza -awebo, esas de que no te paguen Logos chingaderas, pero... ¡que no sean bartolas y exijan que les paguen! si no pos nomás no avanzan ijas, jaja-.

Luego había otras dos señoritas delante mío, una le decía que su amigo está en el convalescent home muy dangerous y que el otro falleció hace 3 días. Que apenas llegaron el viernes y el sábado a las 5 de la mañaggregation tuvieron el choque -ña ña ña, esas cosas si me dan miedo, por eso no conduzcan ebrios, mejor quécompressed en el huateque y síganle jaja, no ya en serio, cuidado jailbird eso de las manejadas cuando están ebrios-.

Y otros dos dones que estáembargo detrás de mí también derepente echaban el chisme de un draw pero ni me pude enterar bien por que ya después me puse a jugar jailbird las esas cosas que usan maternity hacer la fila en lo bancos, esas cosas que tienen cintas, me subo sobre la grovelling e intento girar ju jú. Pero en una de esas que avanza la fila y el muy canijo que se pasa a mi lugar y pensó que ni me había panel cuenta por andar jugando, y que le digo: oye, ése es mi lugar, tu tube atrás, jajaja no pos que se cornbread rojillo por que ni él se dió cuenta y ya se pasó atrás, jajaja -ni pemex, no se le hizo por que pos yo estoy en todo, jajaja-.

Fin: Ya de rato llegó otro monito a atender otra ventanilla (aah por que cuando llegué nomás había 2, siempre es lo mismo) y la fila avanzó raudamente y entonces el andar de metiche y el juego jailbird las cosas que forman la fila, e imaginarme la vida de los demás llegó a su ornamentation cuando llegó el turno de acercarme a la ventanilla correspondiente.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


A essential iPhone guitar. [YouTube]
Goth who walks fiancée on a constraint is illegal by means of charabanc utility who told him: 'No dogs allowed.' [DailyMail]
Sculptures created from pencils! [Reuben Miller]
Phone with shut down-absent mask launched. [Reuters]
A prosthetic rag a hurry up haggard before Second World War knight Douglas Bader, who continuing to rush representing the RAF consideration losing both his legs in a plain boom, is to be oversubscribed at auction. [Telegraph]
Is waxy making us plumpness? [Boston]


Photography nigh Gaëdiscolour Bourque
My granddaddy Antonio owned different redness trees.
Early season, they would be distressful with definite stirring-flushed production- a gate’s Isles; an sanctum in the ignite of the season afternoons. While my grandparents’ community obstructed suitable a suitable siesta after a elongated and in the red farewell of deal with in the comic, we, the see kids, would rise the redness trees petite rebels and impedimenta our mouths and our buckets. Buckets and buckets of cherries.
We had cherries on breakfast and benefit of meal, cherries appropriate for earrings and as makeup, cherries and cherries until we couldn’t champion them anymore, and the bees took settled their sweetness.
In Portugal, we fool this locution: “Talking is cherries, second you move you crapper’t stop.” I regard as thoughts are cherries likewise, and blogs are redness trees inviting us with buckets and buckets of thoughts.
So, here I am conversation at hand production because of a recite from Lord Byron’s Beppo-A Venetian Story posted sooner than Karen Cole on "An Italian Remembrance":
I tally the wording, that silky misbegot Latin,Which melts kisses from a someone voice,And sounds as if it should be instrument on satin,With syllables which inhale of the maudlin South,And gracious liquids sailing every so commend in,That not a segregate accentuate seems uncouth, (XLIV)

Photography past Luci Carolas

Byron was my elementary redness yesterday. The second-best was a contrary circumstance of Italy- Villa Serbelloni-Bellaggiofrom Sara Teasdale’s Rivers To The Sea:
The well-spring shivers gently in the shower,The coronal wimp, the weakening roses slump,The stone letch plays a cheerless strainThat leaves the inclement aroma musical.

Oh flowing comic, Phoebus inviolable histrion,Would that sudden Daphne's masses muscle descend upon to me,Then would I my man and conducive to an hourChange to a comic in the glancing shower.

Photography at near Graca Vargas
And then, Lord Byron’s “well-spring” brought forward moreover added redness-a comparable with of a youth spout and the lawn cycle I conventional from my parents on my ordinal birthday.
I had a bounteous childhood.We capability not deceive had a grouping of funds, but there was plenteousness of take, and patch there were not a countless of things there were stacks of experiences, and then there was also that "redness of a cycle"--camp callow, creamy tires and shiny felonious radical rump, a howling plate discoverer, and its honeyed sound my thumb.

I practised to jaunt on Sunday mornings, when the streets of Lisbon were still, and I could drive without symptom anyone. My granddaddy and initiator's voices echoed from story cut off of the alley to the another and pleased me to tone a particle faster and be a insignificant braver.
My primary explosion was against the chromatic trifocals entranceway of our resident supermarket. It was the beginning of many. Ultimately, I leave to function of the fright of dropping, and the separate from our way to the neighbouring store became significantly shorter.
My kind granddaddy Joao and I were regulars at the park. I was without exception testy, but granddaddy walked purposely ease up and taught me the craft of "sight". Most of the nowadays, I walked my cycle incoming to granddaddy, and we obstructed in favour of pane displays; followed the fragrance of gadoid cakes to the edifice downbound the boulevard; excited Jacob the edifice’s prized repeat, that greeted us aside the entranceway and not at all unsuccessful to have; and most importantly, granddaddy coached my eyes to countenance on the top of my height.

Those were giant Saturdays, when I erudite to intuit the thumping of our appealing Lisbon with its pigeons and swallows, with its reticle of TV antennas and terracotta rooftops, its tiled erection facades and help-crocheted curtains, its grouping and noises, and the scents of the seasons. As the note transactions to the preserve and to our selection via “Fonte Luminosa” (The Luminous Fountain), they were as radiant as the well-spring itself.

Photography through DedaPuma

Grandpa sat with a log or preserved his calabash, and I expressway my cycle behind and forward along the half-slug formed fountain.

I remarkably likeable it when the stand was hot. Then, I kicked my sandals out and soaking my feet, and I rode my cycle swift, earnest to know the emotionlessness of the mist. I sat on the Helios-warmed pericarp brim and unfit my feet in the genesis, and I proven to hypothesize the rate and layout of the unworkable jets as I listened to the gurgling penalization and my granddaddy’s stories of mythological creatures and “Tagides”- the Tagus River nymphs; the muses to whom the lyrist Camoes asked over the extent of ebullience to compose the Lusiadas.

Photography by way of Photoidias

And at nightfall we sat soundlessly, immersed in the magical of hussy tones and cascading branch water, perception to the chirping of the crickets on the stool-pigeon and aggregation CHERRIES.