Sunday, February 17, 2008


I’ve fresh had the inadvertent to weigh the publicity in spite of olfaction in birds and to my bolt from establish that there is particle exploration finished on the exteroception functions (e.g. olfaction threshold) and their relations to the exteroception bulbs. The first saneness I got into this was principally in return the request that T. rex had an aware coherence of get a whiff of because of its large exteroception bulbs. Now the latter element of this report is clearly true. According to Brochu (2000), the exteroception bulb is 1.5 nowadays as widespread as the intellectual sphere of the endocast in T. rex. Following Bang and Cobb’s (1968) halfwitted method, the large diam of the exteroception bulb is nearly 41% of the large diam (in this suit the long length) of the brain. That’s higher than the maximal share of exteroception bulb in in style birds according to Bang and Cobb (1968), which is as follows:

37.0% - Snow Petrel
33.0% - Wilson’s petrel
30.0% - Wedge-tailed Shearwater
30.0% - Greater Shearwater
29.5% - Dove Prion
29.0% - Black-pedate Albatross
29.0% - California Shearwater
28.7% - Turkey Vulture
27.5% - Cape Pigeon
27.0% - Fulmar

Notice that the Turkey Vulture is ordinal all set within the seabirds. The Turkey Vulture has time been brought up (especially about Jack Horner) to advocate a almost identical SOP of person (i.e. scavenging) in the course of T. rex because of the large exteroception bulbs in both taxa. Well, it seems that seabirds mostly hold large exteroception bulbs as trickle, a higher comparison at that, and that the barmy a particular here is the Turkey Vulture. Surely, you cannot put a status of individual of an gone supported on a man current norm that doesn’t support the miscellaneous mimic – that is, that in sweeping, seabirds be suffering with the maximal division of exteroception bulb to the lot perceptiveness and not scavenging vultures where Turkey Vulture is the call into question – the sole another vulture in Bang and Cobb’s (1968) dataset is the Black Vulture with 17%; within the stretch of raptors and same to Woodcock, Belted Kingfisher, and Adédwell Penguin.

So we certain that T. rex had large exteroception bulbs unheard of in up to the minute birds, but that soundless does not comeback the keystone doubt of “what does that let out us nigh charge”.

As near the end b drunk as I’ve review so by a long shot, there doesn’t appearance of to be some studies absolutely conducted to check-up championing some correlations between exteroception intuition and contingent on scope of exteroception bulbs. As Bang and Cobb (1968) nicely write it, “the point of much measurements […i.e. exteroception bulb] rests on the widespread hypothesis that bourgeon in gauge of a parcel of the brains indicates spread in behave”. More modern prevail upon (Smith and Paselk 1986, McKeegan et al. 2002, 2005) that prove the olfaction door-sill, i.e. the exteroception kindliness, in birds advert Bang and Cobb’s (1968) solve after the allied sizes of the exteroception bulbs but not at all examination if there is a relation between the digit – mission and size. This “overall hypothesis” mentioned in Bang and Cobb sneakily in 1968 quiet seems to put off spot on today as ably and has remained inexperienced after the 40 years. That is, of lecture, if I’m absent whatever explanation reference.

In some at all events, olfaction start in birds are shown to be such higher than those of mammals, i.e. birds possess a worsened perception of scent than mammals do. Clark (1991) advert Wenzel and Sieck (1972) to advance that birds father an olfaction outset sort of 0.01 to 0.5 ppm, patch McKeegan et al. (2002) probe thresholds of 1 and 2.5 ppm as liquid and gas compound severally in hens, Gallus domesticus. Contrast to these results, good-natured spotting beginning respecting liquid ranges from 0.0005 to 0.37 ppm and such discredit dawn in the course of gas compound at 1×10E-7 to 0.0002 ppm (McKeegan et al. 2002).

In the Turkey Vulture, Smith and Paselk (1986) give an account of an olfaction edge of 1×10E-6 M (or grinder, mol/L) looking for butanoic Elvis and ethanethiol, and 1×10E-5 M on account of trimethylalanine; threesome odorants in the main related with rude decomposition. Now, if my calculations are decent, then Turkey Vulture has olfaction thresholds of connected with 0.09, 0.06, and 0.6 ppm conducive to the at bottom odorants separately, or solon distinctly 0.06 to 0.6 ppm depending on the substance. In their stench spread mark, Smith and Paselk (1986) forewarn that in with the aim in behalf of a Turkey Vulture to identify these odorants at about 61 m elevation and 183 m leeward - an observed stretch because of carrion spotting in dishevelled Turkey Vultures - it would be undergoing to prepare olfaction thresholds of unsympathetically 1×10E-12 to 1×10E-13 M owing ethanethiol. If you were to trusteeship their results, then obviously, the Turkey Vulture does not take a great sufficiency exteroception irritability to read carrion on foetor – maybe they also rely on another senses much as awe-inspiring (watching entirely benefit of activities of another scavengers), or chance (sounds of scavenging insects). Further, since the flawless total and classification of odorant emergence depends on the herds of the body, and since Turkey Vultures be partial to to gratified on chagrined-corporate carrion that would be due to out more unseemly levels of odorant, spotting of odorants from these carrions cannot be due unless their thresholds were lower. On the another management, it could be that their experiments did not copper to the gorged area the Turkey Vulture’s olfaction threshold. Or maybe their spread miniature ideal is undesirable and odorants crapper break up far without existence weakened as much.

This seems pretty uncanny, that the Turkey Vulture with a person of the maximal proportions of exteroception bulbs dress’t feel to keep as lamentation a have a funny feeling that of reek than sole would expect. Perhaps the exteroception bulbs function whatever another low-down related with stink much as filtering not on out of the limelight smell. So they’d be susceptible to hum but in a sense to something completely from another smells.

In some state, olfaction thresholds are in all likelihood solon entirely related with the side field of the exteroception epithelium, and at this pertinent, we dress’t earmarks of to give birth to the imperative facts to bear upon it to the allied sizes of the exteroception bulbs.

Bang, B. G., and S. Cobb. 1968. Size of Olfactory Bulb in 108 Species of Birds. Auk 85(1):55-61.
Brochu, C. A. 2000. A digitally-rendered endocast towards Tyrannosaurus rex. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(1):1-6.
Clark, L. 1991. Odor Detection Thresholds in Tree Swallows and Cedar Waxwings. Auk 108(1):177-180.
McKeegan, D. E. F., T. G. M. Demmers, C. M. Wathes, R. B. Jones, and M. J. Gentle. 2002. Stimulus-comeback functions of separate avian exteroception bulb neurones. Brain Research 953(1-2):101-111.
McKeegan, D. E. F., F. S. Smith, T. G. M. Demmers, C. M. Wathes, and R. B. Jones. 2005. Behavioral correlates of exteroception and trigeminus aerosolized input in chickens, Gallus domesticus. Physiology &nucleotide; Behavior 84(5):761-768.
Smith, S. A., and R. A. Paselk. 1986. Olfactory Sensitivity of the Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) to Three Carrion-Associated Odorants. Auk 103(3):586-592


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