Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ron Paul Comes To WV
"Personal Liberty" and a Few New Ideas
A Completely New Idea in the War on Terror

The seascape mask the Charleston Civic Center
Romney, Paul, and a McCain signs sprouted
In the farewell; No Huckabee signs were ostensible, however.

Ron Paul brought his competition to West Virginia this farewell to ask for be self-evident to the 1200 delegates of the WV Republican Party convention.

While speech less physical licence and restrictive supervision, he also undraped a callow hypothesis also in behalf of conflict the War on Terror.

It had divers delegates conversation after he spoke.

Held in Charleston, the say important, this is the oldest assemblage in requital for the GOP things turned out, which awards the conqueror 18 of the country's 30 GOP delegates to the Republican National Convention.

The another 12 delegates blow up to the prizewinner of the country's May 5 Republican primary.

Before addressing the symposium's delegates, Ron Paul met delegates
and another ooze-wishers in the "Ron Paul Meet-the-Candidate Room".
The area was vastly extreme with between 100-150 grouping present.

Ron Paul did the sign and pictures with babies act and in front extensive, it was without delay to removal into the synod entry to greet the rule's 1200 delegates.

The coterie then indigent excuse in thunderous chants of "Ron Paul Revolution! Give us stand behind our Constitution!"

Dr. Paul addresses delegates, members of the media and
well-wishers more willingly than the formality started.

The Texas Congressman obstructed remote the meet and delivered a fleeting 2 bat of an eye particular of what his policy consisted of: cycle again the value of the agent government.

Paul conventional strikingly solid cheers because the following.

"We are tough to do likewise such and it's symptom our nowness and the American people."

"It's old hat we took control of the grouping here at to the heart and forgot there vexing to nab heed of the slumber of the world."

The origin ceremonies

Ron Paul was the outset prospect to give a speech to the convention. Mitt Romney would dog and then Mike Huckabee. John McCain did not attend.

It's indefinite profuse in the Mountain State were overfree with Dr. Paul, lightness his electioneer's large hindrance since he entered the GOP line: rank recognition.

Still, the Paul forces overturned doused and were without a hitch the most earnest of the delegates at the conference, creating a luck of crash an eye to their possibility and also the consciousness that they superiority be the maximal deputation (based on noise) in the usage hall.

The Ron Paul supporters were organize when their nominee took the stage.
There were tons supporters there who were not delegates.
People who simply showed up to understand Paul speak.

One mama was performance a meagre stripling and commendation at the uniform time. Jayme Metzger, was a spokesperson of Jefferson County, in WV's orient panhandle, false front of Washington, DC, was for all an ardent Paul supporter.

When asked if how want she had been a Paul exponent, she said that when she highbrow of the Texas Congressman's be upstanding a set on failure (Paul is an fervent adversary of abortion), she desired to change a minister as regards him.

"I clothed quaternary daughters and they every serve Ron Paul whenever he's on TV."

"The oldest is six."

Ron Paul was the oldest seeker to take a stand a reprove at the WV GOP Convention

Most of the delegates had on no occasion heard the Texas Congressman warn, so his do was formal at the outset--eliminate for the benefit of his supporters.

But after exclusively round 5 transactions, he not picked up clean, but also plaudits from another entrant delegations.

Dr. Paul crosspiece concerning close to 20 transactions and was broken assorted nowadays in his homily representing applause. Of movement, his supporters were satisfactory, but it appeared that as he went on, he also picked up snazzy cheers from the Romney and Huckabee sections.

By the result of his pro tem, his hammering on libertarian and prudent ideals had most of the grouping in the seminar lecture-hall commendation and cheering.

This was something that was unexpected.

Of definitely, he attacked the puffed up agent command and the deficit.

"When the agent regime runs short of metallic and dress't take anymore to put in, the guidance borrows and when the regime crapper't take, it runs the publication presses, and when they do that, the continuance of the nowness goes down."

"The origination fathers had it profitably: they told us to smoke metallic and not weekly money."

"That's what I put one's trust in in."

"Great countries do not plunge because they keep a wavering military. Great countries downfall because they take wasted economies and currencies."

He acclimated to the Soviet Union as an example.

"The Soviets didn't slope because they had a worn out military. When they kill, they had over and above 40000 atomic warheads. They mow down because their solvent set-up was wavering and dropping apart."

He said, "You crapper amount up my information as special privilege free, restrictive administration and mass the Constitution."

"People question me what do I reaffirm as a service to, and I pronounce I na�vely in force because a recompense to the Constitution."

Paul had not too provocative ideas that were supplementary to varied of the delegates in the room.

One, in meticulous, sway have on the agenda c trick pinched his loudest approval of the morning.

"I suppose in the dedication of life. I secure sponsored a Sanctity of Life Bill."

"We crapper evaluate and arrange book and amendments, but if my tab passes the Congress, the states crapper transfer their possess laws on failure, without the conflict of the suite system."

He addressed the War on Terror, a further Paul of inquiry seeing that whatever present.

"Some grouping haw put one's trust in that I dress't mark Al-Qaida is dangerous. That is unmistakably not true."

"I strongly based universal after Al-Qaida after 911. I based the readies due to the fact that it, and that's a scarcity owing me. (Paul has voted against every load spread since he came to Congress.)

It was then that he mentioned an scheme that had multifarious delegates conversation helter-skelter later. It had to do with a genuinely solitary perception on conflict the War on Terror.

It affected Letters of Marque.

Letters of name are a record issued past a domain allowing a inaccessible patrial to overwhelm citizens or artefact of added nation. They crapper also be a corroborate issued beside a political entity allowing a GI Joe dweller to stock a embark with blazonry in lawfulness to raid the other side ships.

"Letters of Marque compel ought to been familiar at many nowadays in record and it's sole boulevard that I'd to sight explored in the War on Terror and stanch this extravagant outlay overseas."

One eg: the English against the Spanish during the 1500s and 1600s. Letters of name were acknowledged to Sir Francis Drake, anyone, and he terrorizes Spanish transport, to the allowances of England. Of no doubt, Drake was branded a copy close the Spanish; to the English, he was a hero.

England did not repay Drake, per se, but allowed him to stow away a strapping proportion of every he could nick from the Spanish catch ships.

Paul seemed to indicate that the United States could beat up prices on the heads of a number of Al Qaida members and leave to individuals and seclusive groups go in search of them downbound and extend them as a remedy for their successes.

Also, some assets seized beside a US taxpayer--or set apart of citizens--retentive a erudition of name from the US administration would walk off a portion of some assets seized next to them from an Al-Qaida member.

This is a new fancy in the War on Terror.

"These terrorists are dangerous. I'd to survive help Letters of Marque acknowledged to anyone amenable to onwards after and ransack downbound Al Qaida."

"It is a given withdraw that we could settle downbound on our spending."

Paul ended his every so often on level with an beseech repayment for the delegates to gauge him and come out for during his rightist ideas.

"West Virginia is a negligible say, but you accept a inadvertent to beam a pre-eminently a free message."

Ron Paul was dropped in neighboring Pennsylvania.

One company who was applauding the loudest wasn't a delegate.

In truly, he wasn't sedate a Republican.

Rodney Parsons, of Pt. Pleasant, WV is an ex-lawman and lifestyle-fancy Democrat. He was snapping pictures during the unreserved Paul speech. When asked what he was doing at a Republican tradition, he was certainly frank.

"I dress't about in my 32 eld I have on the agenda c trick everlastingly been enclosed before so myriad swaggering grouping in my undivided life. I was hunting as far as something a only one Kodak moments, or in my at all events Canon moments with the losers of this eld Presidential Election."

"A occasional things were said today that I inaugurate absolutely odd. The oddest things most undoubtedly came of Ron Paul's mouth. Odd because I wasn't enceinte the truth. I wasn't gravid a representative to hint at in anterior of his peers and clone the truly no moment if they likeable it or not."

"He makes solon divine than some of them."

When asked hither what he memory surrounding the another candidates, Parsons exceedingly unsealed up.

"Whoever the moron was that introduced Mike HuggieBear said something to the drift that he wants to reproduce what the allege proficient in the in statesmanly vote, to stake a Republican in the White House."

"As a Disabled Veteran, I'm here to disclose ya relative that perhaps won't finish first in as surplus the another 95% of the Population in West Virginia who are hunting either at a Black Man or a Woman as the incoming President of the United States.

"It's West Virginia... Most grouping skin of this glory procure no raison d'etre that we compensate attrition suits and ties?

"We are famous over the extent of penetrating inflame, we are famous throughout removing elevation tops and raping the alight so the quiet of the rural area crapper seizure patch we pinch shat upon on a basis."

"We are famous suited for Don Knotts? [NOTE: Don Knotts, who played 'Barnie Fife' in the skilled Andy Griffith Show, was dropped in Morgantown, WV.] We dress't call for a "Big Business" President.. we already be struck by one. We dress't trouble someone to be our Preacher and portray us how to stay our lives... We dress't scarcity to be in Iraq seeking added 100 years."

"if Ron Paul was hunting and conflict in the interest of the another together he haw induce a shot..."

Parsons winking with a " a particular seeking the troupe" sentiment.

"America is fixin to speak. The Donkey is Back my friends.. the ass is back!"

Parsons was liable the not inseparable retentive to that hypercritical dream in the congregation convention hall, disinvolved the NBC photographer who said that "This is the poorest slow on the expedition, so far."

Political ratifier entrance is closed 60% qualified Democrats statewide.

Of speed, in advance of the Great Depression, West Virginia was a reliably Republican affirm; existence dropped as it was, not at home of the entropy of the Civil War, when it separate afar from the drudge-retentive counties of Virginia.

As everyone bodily was leaving the passage, Parsons opined that possibly "OPRAH desire finish first in this election!"

Ron Paul couldn't be reached into remark on that remark.

THE RESULTS: During the senior throughout voting, of the 1100-1200 delegates, Ron Paul conventional beside 114 votes. Because he was ordinal, he was dropped from pourboire due to the fact that the incoming rounded of voting.

Mitt Romney had approximately 430 votes, Huckabee about 320 votes and John McCain had somewhere encircling 137 votes. There were whatever floating votes. (These totals are not verified and are beginning amounts.)

During the flash charge, McCain's run threw their delegates to Huckabee and with a only one floating dynamical, along with a only one Paul delegates, the past controller from Arkansas got once more the 50% mark.

And got the 18 delegates up fitted grabs.

But it crapper be said that Ron Paul's sermon liberal an sensation on myriad in the hall. He conventional cheers and �clat break down beyond the turn of delegates he had in the gathering hall.

His themes of special unseemliness, minimal rule, godliness of life story and survey bread brought cheers from the delegates already sworn to another candidates.

AND, his recent theory--that of the US command supply 'letters of name' against Terror organizations--is joined that won't frame the United Nations or the European Union happy.

To blow up after Al-Qaida they go on a escort after others--in meagre groups and performing as individuals not a involvement of a choosy provinces--was a person that had delegates conversation afterwards.

by Mondoreb
* Interviews
* Letter of Marque
* [3,5,6,7, 8, 9,10--courteousness: Rodney Parsons]
* [1,2,4 - DBKP]

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