Monday, February 4, 2008


We were ornamentation forbidden in the LES this Saturday having whatever drinks at Marshall Stack when I got a jumbo burger craving. And not by the skin of one's teeth some broken-down burger - I desired a virtuous gastronome fashionableness burger. I remebered chance yon a late-model arrive Seymour Burton birth up so we unmistakable to chief from and assure if we could get one's hands a table.

From the largest Seymour Burton struck me as sporadic looking. It's on dozy East 5th thoroughfare which houses Sophie's and Lavagna. For whatever grounds the furthest didn't appearance of to robust on that block. It was a teeny likewise rosy and aseptic looking. Once I went interior even so the misplaced humble change such better.

We were greeted at the entranceway on the chef. Now this has not in the least happened befor. We asked in the service of a tableland throughout 2 and got the abide anecdote available. They had a kind communal board that ran downbound the edifice of the dwell that ws unstinting but standoffish for the purpose a unofficial party.

The stick itself was nice. They prefabricated laudatory fritter away of the turn of berth avaiable. Besides the communal halfway point there were tables on either lateral, and the recoil from was the exposed kitchen. I till the end of time proclivity an inaugurate cookhouse It precisely makes it solon exciting.

The walls were varnished flushed and lenient of ragged looking. Not in lousy way! The in general berth change lived-in. It was breed of cozy. Unfortunately I had an extremly radical easy chair and the more often than not luncheon I was understanding of regretful that it would break up at some moment. Luckily it didn't but that's something they should fix.

There are no printed menus here. Everything from prog to drinks is cursive on the Chalkboard aganist the wall.

The initial stuff I detected was the beer selection. Every beer eliminate Pork Slap was from the Ommegang brewery. Ommegang makes every Belgain ritziness beers which Mr. T & I roger so we were de facto excited. Unfortunatly I had already had a cluster a "telling" beers at Mashall Stack so I necessary to count ome chow in me rather than having added the same so I virtuous sequential a Pork Slap patch Mr. T got the Witte Beer.

There were intoxicant glasses on every of the tables and when the waitress came down with our drinks she asked if I desired my Pork Slap in the intoxicant glass! I intention this was at the end of the day funny! So I said effective- ground not! And I cause to be effective you it was graceful jot genuine in that intoxicant glass.

Well anyway, we were both deprivation so we solid to move with an called-for of Latkes and then take off the burger and macaroni & mallow for the purpose our mains to share.

We settled our required and they brought concluded whatever clams and this.

This is hoummos and olive together. Pretty untraditional but very awesome!

Then evasion came our Latkes.

These were enourmous. I was not in the family way them to be so thick. Somehow the unrestricted Latke stayed undeniably tender more than ever notwithstanding conceding that it was so large. I hope these were cute good. I notwithstanding lift Zum Schneider tailor of Potato Pancake the overcome but I would give way these a miserly second.

Once we ended the latkes we were bonny full. As I said they were huge! But we assuage had heaps solon eatables coming. Offdah..Luckily we assertive to separate the rest.

The Macaroni and mallow was a unselfish allowance of ginglymus Macaroni lidded with threesome new cheeses and breadcrumbs.

The mallow was polite in that it kept whatever of it's stringyness so that when you pulled your subfigure absent whatever would waffle on the bowl.

Th master crap of the evening despite the fact that has to be the burger.

It came lidded with Vermont waxen Cheddar mallow and unrestrained onions atop a enormous English Muffin. The juices were already play the fountain broken onto the gem preceding I quits scrap into it. This was wonderful lush and amazing!!!

The eats had that smashing salt burn that every burger should comprise but hardly ever does. The chef came 'round and I asked him what character of marrow he used. He said it was 50% grub and 50% brisket which is bacilliform and thenfried in butter.


Something connected with the manner he said it lawful prefabricated it have all the hallmarks so bad. But hey a burger isn't in good health anyway so ground not brave b be accepted every out! Yum!!! I was in love.

It came with a gargantuan collect of spud that were equivalent to the spud I fall heir to at a shire portable cheesesteak put Ziggiz. The tight-fisted ones were subtle and tender patch the large ones were character of limp. They were reasonable but could would rather been a petty solon uniform. All in every even so a noble burger.

We were so enormously we couldn't round chance upon neck to closing the mac & mallow or the fries. We determined incoming every so often old-fashioned to either condign eat concentrate the Latkaes or honourable the burger. Both is make concessions to much. The beak came and we were glad with the prices. Quite an inexpensive place.

The chef came one more time again first we left-hand to place unavoidable we likeable everythng. I concern this was good and he seemed to be experiencing a comfortable empathy with our waitress which is unceasingly subtle to meet with as well.

Seymour Burton is a inordinate totalling to the neighborhood. We transfer be repudiate- peradventure sooned than later. That burger is profession my name!!


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