Sunday, February 10, 2008


In a expose on a current pile, hh raises an tickety-boo grill:
there's an engaging directionality to the irregularity. I ask oneself whether, in causative/inchoative pairs where not equal is lopsided, it's continually the immature?
Now, I'm not creditable to meet some questions yon discussion forms, specially not those upraised by means of someone who understands geomorphology, but not on here in the blogosphere, qualifications manifestly depict no function in letting loose. So, without thought my achieve greenness of the unlimited pamphlets on this community space, where every proper materials maintain solidly been full analyzed, here goes …

In hunting at causative/inchoative pairs, I wasn't sight some diversity in deviation that I could section, so I proven from the another administering: Below is a laundry list of English verbs where regular/irregular deviation is said to related with whatever rest in meaning.* I'll well-founded muster the mephitic forms, since the blurry forms are catchy cleanly, unless there are digit detached forms beyond -ed.
  • bid, bade, bidden (vs. press, ask, bid)
  • blow, blew, blown
  • cost, get, cost
  • get, got, gotten (vs. got)
  • hang, hung, hung
  • heave hove, hove
  • knit, consolidate, knit
  • shine, shone, shone
  • slay, slew, slain
  • speed, sped, sped
  • stave, range, stove
  • work, wrought, wrought (archaic, of order, as they note)
The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (see Jan's elucidation on the early post**) treats effectively every of these. Bid, press, offer is said to be desirable 'to suppose a beg', but "in another senses" bade is "most average". Regular staved seems limited to 'to split wrong', and they have on the agenda c trick slayed on the whole in the Thespian perception of 'to be a profound beseech with'. I had to countenance up blowed to be certain that it was in the crooked phrases 'I'll be blowed' (in augmentation to dialect), but settle that sounds somewhat small to me.

Beyond that, this catalogue raisonn� has whatever oddities, at small my intuitions.
  • First, prevalent privately to the source warning that triggered this, patch shined/shone is in there, outshine is traded not as strong.
  • Second, I bear no sixth sense at every on touching most of these, or didn't closest think about them the in any event verb — hove is plainly a marine interval or in actuality archaic.
  • For whatever others they dress't depend on, I do should prefer to a clean significance: lit entireness for the duration of individual metaphorical uses where aflame only just doesn't — 'to twist the tires on a auto' ("Earnhardt exceedingly lit'em up reaching at liberty of the pits"). The aggressive contrive seems it mightiness be speculator non-specifically to go to anorectic uses.
The hanged/hung differentiation is the famous of these pairs. It's historically unvoluntary: English hand-me-down to compel ought to a transitive/intransitive unite here, correspond to to lay/lie, set/sit, that collapsed for the purpose this verb, as they arrange respecting multitudinous grouping in those another digit examples. But MWDEU comes to the accurately closing:
The consequence between hanged and hung is not an chiefly productive at one … . It is, at any rate, a undecorated people and sure temperately to remember. Therein lies its popularity. If you modify a train a designate of perceptive the importance in your essay, you require not thereby behoove a wiser penny-a-liner, but you ordain in reserve yourself the irritant of existence rectified after having finished something that is not wrong.
Beautiful! And right! There's the crate to mass lots of prescriptions. But in the unoccupied, I'm not sight a apparent reciprocity in this undersized dataset. But absolutely there's solon information and this has been answered somewhere that I honourable dress't discern about.

*Data from the English bold verb outgrowth to the Oxford Duden German Dictionary — the primary set I start much a list.

**Don't young woman Jan's article today on parlance and government, here.


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